The Secret to Getting Thousands of Dollars of Free Publicity

Written by Andrea Susan Glass

How to Write a Press Release that Has Your Phone Ringing offrepparttar Hook

A press release is a powerful tool just about anyone in business can and should be using. Submitting regular press releases is one secret that can bring your business more new customers for FREE than some of your more costly forms of marketing! Newspapers, magazines and radio and TV stations offerrepparttar 120027 option of promoting you and your business for free. That’s right—for FREE! They haverepparttar 120028 space, they need to fill it, you have something important to tellrepparttar 120029 community. There are also online PR sites that are free and some that charge a reasonable fee. Forrepparttar 120030 ones that are free, you’re not guaranteed placement. Sorepparttar 120031 more you know about how to write a press release,repparttar 120032 greater your chance of getting them accepted.

Don’t know how to write one? Not to worry! Here are some tips on what you need to know to get your name before your clients and prospects effectively and inexpensively!

1.Know your Media – Every newspaper, magazine, radio or TV station or online PR Web site has a different format. Study each one so you give them what they want. The more you conform to their standards,repparttar 120033 less will be cut from your release. 2.Includerepparttar 120034 Basics – What, when, where, who and why. Putrepparttar 120035 important facts including dates, times and location atrepparttar 120036 beginning, because cutting is usually done fromrepparttar 120037 end. 3.Follow with Details – What will be happening at this event? Who is invited? Who would be interested in knowing about this? 4.End with Contact Information – Always have contact phone numbers or e-mails both forrepparttar 120038 media and forrepparttar 120039 public. Let people know where they can get more information.

Don’t think you have anything worthy to say in a press release? Think again. The purpose of a press release is to informrepparttar 120040 community of somethingrepparttar 120041 media feels is newsworthy. If you lay out a yearly calendar of business events, you might find worthwhile submissions on a regular basis. Here are some examples of newsworthy items suitable for a press release:

1.movingrepparttar 120042 location of your business, changingrepparttar 120043 name of your business 2.hiring or promoting an employee, taking on a partner 3.receiving an honor, award or certificate an event like a grand opening, free lecture, open house, seminar 5.releasing a new book, report, Web site

How to Add Warmth, Color & Texture to Your Advertisements

Written by Jai Johnson

How to Add Warmth, Color & Texture to Your Advertisements

© 2004 Jai Johnson

"…A powerful agent isrepparttar right word…" --Mark Twain

And what true words those are! Your marketing efforts haverepparttar 120026 ability to succeed…or to fail…based onrepparttar 120027 words you choose to represent your products, services, and yourself in your ads.

You haverepparttar 120028 ability to choose any words you desire. The problem is, sometimes, we draw a blank. Our minds seem amiss of anything creative to say. This is when a diverse collection of pre-written phrases, designed to bring miraculous changes to your ads, comes in handy.

A collection of pre-written phrases, which you can drop right into your ad text, offers a lot of magic, a good deal of choices, and an incredible journey through words which develop warmth, color, and add texture to your ads. With pre-written buzz-word phrases, you can bring your ad to life - immediately.

So how do you come up with these phrases and buzz words?

Step one is to become aware of every advertisement you're exposed to, whether it be on television, in a newspaper, in email, or in a magazine. Just pay attention and study those ads.

Step two involves gathering your pre-written phrases. Write down words which make an impact on you. Make a notebook, or a computer document, and as you are exposed torepparttar 120029 ads around you, jot down those phrases and buzz words. Here's some phrases and words I jotted down recently:

Accept nothing butrepparttar 120030 best Because you're worth it Consider it a gift from you…to you

The third step is to take these phrases and integrate them into your ads. The best way to do this is work with an ad which you've already written. How much impact does it have? How much sparkle and pizzaz does it possess? Does your already-written ad grab your attention? Ifrepparttar 120031 answer is NO, then it's time to input some marketing miracle phrases - sprinkle them about your ad, pick some from your list which fit with your product or service - and revise.

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